Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Doctors Appointment

I went to the doctor today.  My Ob-gyn has a policy that they need to confirm pregnancy with a urine test and blood work before  another appointment can be made.  So I called yesterday, estimating that I am now about 6 weeks.  I met with the Nurse Practitioner and  did the urine and blood work plus my annual since it was due.

I should receive back the test results to confirm my hormone level tomorrow (if the snow storm doesn’t delay plans).  I know what that means, reading enough message boards I know that my hormone level needs to be at a certain number for however many weeks I am.  Kind of nerve racking.  I asked her what if the numbers are not where they need to be and her response “we will talk about that when it happens”.  I hate that.  Let me just prepare for the worst.  Ugh! But I guess that is ok.  I am trying to keep a positive outlook.  James is sure that I will be fine, which I am sure I will be (fingers crossed).

In other news, fatigue has hit me like a hammer.  But not just fatigue, fatigue with insomnia put together! Beautiful! Yesterday I got home and I was in my pj’s on the couch before 6pm, my body was so tired it ached but I couldn’t fall asleep.  Finally at 9:45pm I took the dogs out, called James to wish him good night and tired to go to sleep.  An hour later, success! Only to wake up again at 3am until who knows when.  So annoying!
But at least it is a symptom, last week I had nothing but light cramping! I just want to keep away morning sickness.  We shall see.  So far so good.

Oh and I found out I can not run the NYC ½ in March.  I am so bummed.  I was looking forward to that.  Training would have started next week.  I know I wouldn’t have ran for a PR but just to say I ran a ½ while pregnant would have been nice. Anyway, she said I can keep doing what I am doing, just don’t add anything. 

Now I will wait by my phone to hear the test results!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

Yesterday I took the test.  The home pregnancy test.  My cycles have varied the past 6 months between 30, 35, 35, 40, 30 and 32 days so I figured when I didn’t get my period on the 35th day I might as well see what was going on.

I hesitated taking the test.  Part of me was thinking that I was just setting myself up for disappointment but the other half was thinking that if it was a negative then I can move on and plan for January. 

So I woke up, grabbed a htp out of our linen closet and waited, after about 1 minute two lines showed up.  After the 3 minute mark it was obvious that the two lines meant it was positive! I was pregnant.

I did not react the way I thought I would.  I looked at myself in the mirror quickly before I went up to wake up James and show him the test.  His reaction wasn’t what I expected either.  In his defense he was half asleep but I think we were both kind of numb about it.  Kind of like, is this really happening?

Yesterday morning I woke up with excruciating gas pains.  Like I had a huge air balloon in my stomach and I just needed someone to stick a pin in me.  Not sure if that is a pregnancy symptom or not.  I did have Thai food the night before that just might have made me gassy.

So of course my first thought was of all the drinking I did in December during the holidays.  Between multiple Christmas parties, get togethers with friends, trip back home to celebrate Christmas AND NYE , I did more drinking than I could remember.   I feel guilty about it.  I have read multiple times that drinking so early in your pregnancy is ok and doesn’t effect the embryo, but you never know.

Anyhow, last night I downloaded from Kindle the What to Expect When you are Expecting book, as well as the Eating Well in that same series.  I also harbor some guilt because last week I went crazy with take out sushi.  I know, I know, I am over thinking all of this stuff for only being what like 3-4 weeks during that time, but you just never know.

Next week I am making an appointment to see me Ob-gyn.  They say that a lot of doctors don’t see women until they are at least 8 weeks so I figured I would wait that long too.  I would love to be able to go into the office and hear our first heart beat. 

I am waiting to tell my Mom until after the doctors visit.  It will be a great surprise for her but just in case I would like to keep it between James and I until then.

I did tell a girl here at work who is also trying to have a baby.  We are on the same cycle so when she sent me a message saying that she had no luck in December I decided to spill our beans.

What a way to start 2011!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My First Post

I have attempted to blog about two or three times in the past couple of years.  Mostly healthy living blogs but after about a month or so things kind of fizzle.  I guess I wasn't that passionate in what I was writing.

This time it is different.  This time I am going to blog about what I want.  What is going on in my life, what is going on around me.  I will blog when I am sad and happy. 

The title of my blog is pretty simple.  I am living the dream.  My dream.  I have a husband I love of 4 years, we live in an amazing city with so many opportunities.  I have 4 fur-babies that I love with all my heart.  I have an amazing support system, surrounded by friends and family.  Yes, there are sometimes when I feel sad but overall I am Living Happy.

Welcome to my blog!